Number of charities using ‘queer’ in their names surges

Increase suggests the slur has become a buzzword for groups such as Queer Tango London, which says ‘heterosexuals can be queer’

A portrait shot of Miriam Cates MP, wearing a red jacket against a black background
Miriam Cates MP said the trend indicated the growing influence of radical ideologies in the charity sector Credit: Danny Lawson/PA

Nine newly registered charities use “queer” as part of their title or in descriptions of their work, according to documentation on the Charity Commission website.

The figure is almost a quarter of the 34 charities using the term, suggesting the number is steeply on the rise.

The newly registered charities include Queer Tango London, which believes that “heterosexuals can be queer” and the word gay “is now problematic because language moves on”.

The charity says queer tango dancing can “advance social and political objectives rooted in equality, inclusivity and freedom” and is “open to everyone, free of the rigid structure that men must lead and women must follow”.

But some gay and lesbian rights campaigners are unhappy with the use of the term which they say is a “slur”.

Kate Barker, CEO of LGB Alliance, said: “The rise of ‘queer’ to mean ‘straight, but not boring or square’ was ably demonstrated by Dannii Minogue recently who called herself ‘queer in a weird kind of way’ in an interview about a lesbian dating show she is hosting.

‘They find same-sex attraction icky’

It signals an allegiance to queer politics without any of the unpleasantness of actually being homosexual and is increasingly being adopted by those who find same-sex attraction icky but the idea of marginalisation intensely appealing.

“To us it remains an ugly slur. Often spat out before a physical assault. Always signalling an intense dislike or a threat. 

“It is enormously insulting to those men and women who have been called ‘queer’ that straight people are attempting to ‘reclaim’ it on their behalf. It’s an offensive relic of the past. We don’t want it back.”

Two other recently registered charities are Queer for Queer, which aims to “support queer refugees through education towards employment and financial independence”, and The Plus Importance Project. 

The latter includes Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland in a timeline of the word “queer”, quoting a passage in which Alice says: “Everything is queer today.”

Grants for ‘queer’ charities

Previously established “queer” charities include Queercircle – which has received £167,000 in government grants since 2022 – and Queer Britain Museum, the recipient of over £37,000 since 2019.

Conservative MP Miriam Cates told The Telegraph: “Freedom of association is a foundational principle of British society and anyone should be able to set up a group or organisation for any purpose that is lawful. 

“But these figures illustrate the growing influence of radical political ideologies in the charity sector and I think most members of the public would be very uncomfortable with such organisations receiving public funding.”

In a statement, Queer Tango London told The Telegraph: “You don’t have to be gay to be ‘queer’. ‘Queer’ – once an insult – can mean a sexual identity, or a sensibility. Heterosexuals can be queer. ‘Gay’ is now problematic because language moves on. No one owns or controls it. 

“Our primary interest is dancing – not language – reversing gendered roles, same-sex dancing as ‘normal’, and everyone choosing their partners. We dance to confirm identities, fight hatred and ignorance, foster tolerance and understanding. 

“Above all, we dance our dance – whatever it is called – to add to the sum total of human joy. Dancing is important. Describing and labelling it is always secondary.”

Supporting LGBTQIA+ migrants

A spokesperson for Queer for Queer said: “The purpose of Queer for Queer is to support LGBTQIA+ migrants and refugees through education and employment. 

“We use ‘queer’ to include the entire LGBTQIA+ community, regardless of romantic orientation, sexual orientation and/or gender identity. 

“We are proud to facilitate mutual support within the community and will continue to work towards creating safe spaces for everyone in it.”

The Plus Importance Project said: “We recognise the history of the term including its use as a slur and its reclamation at the end of the 20th century. 

“We understand that for some LGBT+ people, it is still a term that has a negative association and for others it is a highly empowering term in which they find recognition and acceptance.

“LGBT+ terminology has evolved over time and will continue to do so in the future.”

Queercircle and Queer Museum Britain were approached for comment.

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